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[this is siteground site] Zebra offers a range of products and services focusing on the efficient use of fluids. Our products range from mechanical filtration devices to specialized measuring instruments, while our services encompass product rental and repair, consulting off and on-site, and product and system engineering design.

We are organized into three divisions; Zebra Skimmers®, Zebra Industrial and Environmental®, and Zebra Green®. These divisions each focus on specific markets, although many of the skills and expertise developed in one division can be used by personnel in the others. These markets are metalworking facilities worldwide, the waste water, environmental, and food processing facilities within the US, and consumer products within the US and Canada.

Our customers vary within each division, but include Fortune 500 customers around the world, to small family run apothecaries in Ohio.

Our mission is to apply high technology solutions in low technology applications in ways that allow us to conserve our precious resources. Our daily goal is 100% customer satisfaction.

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