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Contact Us


We care about your questions and concerns.

If you are interested in a career with Zebra Family of Companies and would like to see current openings, or submit a resume, please visit our Careers section.

If you are a current or past employee, and you would like benefits information, please visit the Employees

If you are contacting Zebra about a donation request, please note that although we would like to assist all the many worthy individuals, organizations and causes contacting us with requests, we are unable to help in every instance as our contributions efforts focus on very specific activities. We hope you understand our position, and we wish you all the best with your efforts. To learn more about our Worldwide Contributions Program, please review our backgrounder on Charitable Contributions.

Please note that Zebra does not accept unsolicited requests for funding.

For any other questions that you may have, please send us an email. Typical response time is 2-3 business days, depending on the nature of the question. Please note that we do not respond to form letters or e-mail campaigns.

If you prefer, our mailing address is:
Zebra Skimmers Corp.
P.O. Box 833
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022

By submitting your information you agree that our Privacy Policy will govern such information.



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