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FAQ Sheet

invest in ZebraZebra Investors

As a closely held Delaware Corporation, Zebra Skimmers Corp. (ZSC) does not raise funds through the issue of stock or other commercial paper. It does not actively seek outside investors for growth, as much of our new endeavors have been easily funded by internally generated funds or working closely with our primary banks.

Outside investors are welcome to join ZSC on a project basis, where returns are recognized at the technology, brand name or product line levels. As with any investment, there are no guarantees as to performance. However, current management and staff have achieved growth even during the worst manufacturing months of 2000 and 2001. The New Economy of 2009 represents new challenges, and ZSC is rising to meet them in creative ways.

ZSC maintains high standards, and embraces the spirit behind laws that seek to infuse those standards throughout every corporate citizen in the United States. The meaning behind Sarbanes-Oxley of 2002, the adoption of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles within management accounting systems, and commitment towards high ethical standards for every member of our firm are all tightly interwoven into our corporate culture.

If you wish to invest through ZSC, you are encouraged to inquire through conventional methods, rather than through our web site. Please mail your letter of interest to our corporate counsel offices at the following address:

Zebra Skimmers Corp.
P.O. Box 833
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022


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