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About Zebra


Zebra Skimmers, Inc. is associated with or been a member of numerous organizations including the Better Business Bureau, Weatherhead 100, Industrial Supply Association, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, as well as many others.


Zebra Skimmers, Inc. has won several awards and certifications throughout it's many years in business. Among those organizations recognizing Zebra's outstanding achievements is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


Our commitments are to the stability of our global environment and economy. We believe in both selling and teaching the appropriate methods that will insure our efficient use of fluids, most importantly our use of water.

Zebra is committed to quality, view our quality policy here.


Zebra began in 1994 as a business literally run out of a garage. Taking advantage of an ignored metalworking market, Zebra offered new products and solutions specialized for their needs. Zebra found success in providing a more scientific, as well as, common sense approach to understanding the problems within the machining environment.


Zebra Skimmers, Inc. has its corporate headquarters located east of Cleveland, Ohio USA. There are regional offices all over the world.


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