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Monday, January 27, 2025 1:58 AM (EST)

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Zebra Green Division

Zebra Green utilizes our corporate knowledge in fluid mechanics, chemistry and biology in order to bring advanced technology to a variety of consumer markets.

We're divided into two main groups:

Within the water conservation group we have filtration products for residential swimming pools to rain barrel systems for watering potted plants on your apartment balcony. Within the personal care group we have specialized soaps and lotions for highly niched markets based on application or skin types. All of these products share one thing - they are based on using one of our most ignored precious resources more efficiently - water.

We welcome you to enter these group websites and learn more about these products. If you wish, you can order many of these directly on the web using our secure servers. We guarantee your satisfaction, and would enjoy hearing from you no matter what you have to say.


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