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Better Business Bureau

BBB Accredited Business

Zebra Skimmers, Corp. is proud to be a business accredited by the Better Business Bureau. Our accreditation is evidence of our commitment to ethical business proactices and our desire to maintain a healthy, educated marketplace.

IMTS 2008

International Manufacturing Technology Show

Zebra Skimmers attended the IMTS 2008 Show held September 8-13, 2008 at the McCormick Place in Chicago, IL.


Weatherhead 100

Zebra - A Weatherhead 100 Company

Zebra Skimmers is proud to be a Weatherhead 100 Compnany for the past five years (2002-2007). Since its inception in 1987, the Weatherhead 100 has been the event that showcases the fastest growing companies in Northeast Ohio.

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

AOPA is a not-for-profit individual membership association, effectively serves the interests and needs of its members as aircraft owners and pilots, and establishes, maintains, and articulates positions of leadership to promote the economy, safety, and popularity of flight in aircraft.

Industrial Supply Association

Industrial Supply Association

The ISA Web site is the portal for anything pertaining to the Industrial Supply Association. Whether you are looking for information about how to increase sales, reduce expenses or improve profitability, this is the Web site for you.

Society of Manufacturing Engineers

Society of Manufacturing Engineers

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is the world's leading professional society advancing manufacturing knowledge and influencing more than half a million manufacturing practitioners annually.

International Organization for Standardization

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards. ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 157 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system.

Zebra Skimmers ISO Certification (PDF)

Japan International Machine Tool Fair

The 24th Japan International Machine Tool Fair

For the contribution to the development of industry and trade promotion through increased inter-national transactions and technical exchanges of machine tools and their related equipment.

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