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FAQ Sheet

Corporate FAQ Sheet


FAQ: Does ZSC trade in any of the stock markets?
No, ZSC stock does not trade on the open market. Being privately held, ZSC stock is maintained by the founding family.

FAQ: When does the ZSC fiscal year end?
The fiscal year for ZSC is set to the calendar year, beginning 1 January and ending at midnight of 31 December.

FAQ: Can I buy ZSC stock?
No, you can not buy ZSC stock, currently.

FAQ: How do I obtain ZSC financial information?
As a potential investor or lendor, ZSC financial reports will be generated for you on an individual basis.

FAQ: How can I invest in ZSC?
ZSC allows investors to contribute capital in either monetary or intellectual forms. For instance, many new products sold under ZSC brands were initiated or founded by others. In these cases, as an example, individual profit centers are created, and co-exist with a partner LLC that contains the investor assets, whether monetary or intellectual. Profits are then split equally between the ZSC profit center and the LLC. In this way, investor 'dividends' are precisely awarded to those ideas that fare best.

FAQ: Does ZSC pay a dividend?
ZSC has issued dividends in the past, but does not do so on a regular basis. Regardless, such dividends are only applicable to the small number of shareholders, and are not scheduled or announced.

FAQ: When is the next scheduled stockholders meeting?
The stockholder meetings are generally held toward the end of the first quarter, after the financial results for the preceding year have been tallied. Issues that may be presented to this meeting should be addressed to investor relations.

FAQ: How do I contact investor relations?
The superior method of contact is by mail directed towards our general corporate counsel. Use of personal letterhead is encouraged, while the application of perfect grammar and spelling is required.


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