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FAQ Sheet

Corporate Governance

CG: Board of Directors
CG: Governance Guidelines
CG: Certificate of Incorporation
CG: By-Laws
CG: Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Information updated as of 31 March, 2009.


Zebra Skimmers Corp. (ZSC) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of business conduct and ethics. This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Code) reflects our commitment. As a global company we work with a diverse population drawn from every conceivable culture. We expect every employee, and would like every stakeholder, to read this Code and accept it as our dedication to them.

This Code cannot possibly describe every practice or principle related to honest and ethical conduct. It remains your responsibility to apply common sense in making business decisions, together with your own highest personal ethical standards. Unyielding personal integrity is the foundation of corporate integrity. Your integrity reflects and is incorporated within our own.

In today's complexly connected world, it may also be that others around you are subject to actions or temptations that can also potentially result in ethical conflicts related to ZSC. Please be aware that such potential disputes may exist. Don't hesitate to ask questions or notify your associates or management as to their presence. Communication is critical in avoiding potential hazards, and avoiding tomorrow's problems today is better for all of us.

Violations of the Code will not be tolerated. Any employee who violates the standards in the Code may be subject to disciplinary action, which, depending on the nature of the violation and the history of the employee, may range from a warning or a reprimand to and including termination of employment and, in appropriate cases, civil legal action or referral for criminal prosecution.


You are critical to our success. ZSC policy is to treat you with fairness and respect at all times. We don't tolerate discrimination in any form, other than those qualities that enable us to accomplish our corporate goals. This means we do NOT consider personal aspects such as ethnic background, skin color, religion, gender, age, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, citizenship status, or disability.

On the other hand, you will be evaluated by your managers and peers according to your job related metrics, not arbitrary factors.


ZSC provides a safe and healthful work environment. We expect you to follow safety and health rules and practices and promptly report accidents, injuries and unsafe equipment, practices, or conditions to management. We do not tolerate violence or threatening behavior. We report to work in condition to perform our duties at our best, free from the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.


The foundation of the United States, and of today's most civilized nations, are based on adherence to a body of law that is representative of the people. The foundation of this Code means complying with these laws in letter and in spirit.

For further insights into policies regarding this §, please refer to your ZSC Corporate Handbook.


We expect you to be free from influences conflicting with our corporate interests. This does not mean you have many competing interests, such as duties to God, Country or Family. It does mean that your judgement will be free of influences that may sway your judgement regarding decisions impacting ZSC. Such "Conflicts of Interest," are prohibited unless specifically authorized. Even the appearance of a Conflict of Interest can be damaging to the Company even where none actually exists, and should be avoided whenever possible.

For further insights into policies regarding this §, please refer to your ZSC Corporate Handbook.


Our collective memory resides in written documentation. The integrity of our memory therefore depends upon you making accurate and complete reports at all times. False or misleading entries is strictly prohibited.
Any employee who becomes aware of any departure from these standards has a responsibility to report his or her knowledge promptly to a supervisor, a compliance officer or relevant authorities, if applicable. Further details can be found in your employee's handbook.


Our reputation depends upon you and your coworkers taking personal responsibility for adhering to this Code. When you encounter a difficult situation, ask yourself one simple question; would my actions withstand public scrutiny? If the answers aren't clear, then don't do it – and ask your associates for help. We're all in this together.


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